All teachers should reach till 8:30am in school Premises and Class teacher should report to his /her respective class.
Teachers must take care that all students should directly go to their classes before assembly and students strictly come out of the class with Class Teacher.
Speaking in English is strictly compulsory for all teachers. If someone observed speaking in other language will be responsible for deduction of 100rs from his salary.
All subject teachers should only make the display board chart for current topic (specially primary section).
Teachers should wear only formal dress (saree for female staff and shirt, pant, tie for male staff). They can wear casuals on Saturday but in decent manner.
All teacher should present at the time of Assembly if not he /she will be consider as Absent on that day.
Late mark of the teacher should considerable for genuine reason. If it is continuous happen for three days, one day pay will be deduct.
Teachers should be polite and expressive in the school premises.
No need to discuss personal problems during school time.
All teachers will be given specific responsibilities and duties during the session as per their capability.
Give respect to the senior’s even one good smile can happen the change in day.
Half Day leave will be considered as full day leave.
For C/L Inform prior to Coordinator and Principal.
HOD/Staff room/Assembly Incharge.
Do not ask children for out playing frequently.
Art and Craft/ Stationary material list.
Discussion related to duties.
Use of W/B on continuous basis.
Cross checking of N/B regularly.
Mobile is strictly not allowed in Class/School.
No class should be vacant for no reason. If so substitute should be there.
No teacher should seat in class while teaching. All teacher should roam inside the class.
Use of white board inside the class.
Teacher should check and sign student’s diary regularly.
Student will gwt zero mark strictly if project not done by him/her.
Class teacher should stand with respective class line regularly.
Minutes of meeting are always record by Dipali Saxena.
Call To Enroll Your Child
We aim to promote challenge through high expectations of learning behavior